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Special Services - Rennels

Meet the Teacher

Mrs. Rennels  

Contact Mrs. Rennels at      
Mrs. Rennels
A Bit About Me . . . .  I have been married for over 25 years and have 4 young adult children. I was born and raised in Bloomington. My husband and I moved to Arizona for 10 years and then returned to this wonderful community. We have raised our family here since 1992. I have taught Special education for 32 years. My career is a tribute to my sister. She guided me through finding my passion through her own disability. I value family issues and believe that my purpose is to ensure lifelong learning and success for all students. I love working as part of a team and believe teaming allows all of us the best way to meet the child’s needs. I have a Master’s Degree in Assistive Technology and have attended additional classes through the State of Illinois to work with children with Autism. I work with Illinois State University as a supervising instructor, preparing future special education teachers. This allows our students to receive additional benefits and supports while providing experiences for the future teacher. I believe in an open door policy and encourage any input a parent may have in regard to their child. Please feel free to contact me at any time regarding any issues or concerns. My email is