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PJHS Baseball Field


Welcome to the homepage of Parkside Junior High School Baseball

While our new site is being updated, please visit the most recent offsite version of the PJHS Baseball Website at:


08/05/24 Tryout Update
8th Grade Tryouts will run 7:00p-8:30pm, due to high heat index.
7th Grade Tryouts will still run 5:30p-7:30p.



At Parkside Junior High, we field two teams.

The A Team is composed of the best baseball players in the school. Generally, these athletes are 8th graders.  There may be 7th graders who show the skill level and maturity to compete on the A Team.  Their schedule is designed to give them practice and game opportunities to learn the game of baseball at a highly competitive, highly skilled level.  This team competes in a season culminating IESA sponsored State Tournament played at the Eastside Center in East Peoria.

The B Team is composed of players who aspire to become A Team players.  Generally, these athletes are 7th graders.   There may be 6th graders who show the skill level and maturity to compete on the B Team.  This team does not compete in a state tournament.

Our field is located at the corner of College Avenue and Parkside Road, Normal.

New for 2022  Metal spikes are now legal footwear.   

New for 2021  There is a 15 run rule after 3 innings, 12 run rule after 4 innings, and 10 run rule after 5 innings.  For regular season play only, no inning shall start 2 hours after the first pitch of the game. Any inning in progress shall be completed. If teams are tied after the time limit has been reached, it shall be considered a tie game. 

All regular season games that require extra innings to determine the winner shall start with a runner on second base and no outs. The runner placed on 2nd base shall be the player in the batting order position previous to the leadoff batter of the extra inning. Each team has the opportunity to bat each inning. The game is over when one team has the lead at the end of an inning.

New for 2020  All Catcher's gear must have the NOCSAE stamp on it (helmet, chest protector) to be legal equipment for game usage.

New for 2019  Legal Bats for Junior High Baseball
Any bat that has a BBCOR marking on it is a legal bat. Any bat that is 30 inches or under and has a greater than a minus three drop with a barrel diameter of 2 5/8" WITH a USA Baseball logo on the bat is a legal bat.  All 2 1/4" barrel diameter bats are illegal. All bats with a USSSA logo are illegal. See link above for further explanations.

New for 2018  Pitch Count Chart & Rule Interpretation