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Contract Agreement

Read the contract below, then go to the "Contract Signature" tab and print/sign your name, then turn into Coach Bliss or front office.    

 PJHS Track Contract 2023

These policies and rules are for the athletes and their parents/guardians. The intention is to facilitate expectations. Please read this material carefully and if you have any questions, please ask.

Privilege: Understand and accept that participation as part of the team is a privilege and not a right. As part of earning this privilege, more is expected of each athlete than other students. Athletes must assume the responsibilities and support the intent of this contract, and understand that this privilege may be revoked if an athlete does not exhibit appropriate behavior and/or fails to meet the obligations set forth in this contract.

Attendance: Practice is very important for athletes to improve individually and to have team success. Attendance to practices is mandatory. If an athlete is unable to attend a practice or a track meet due to family emergency, illness, or a school function, then it is the athlete’s responsibility to notify the coaches in advance with a written note or email verification from the parents. If an athlete has three unexcused absences or tardiness, the athlete will no longer be a part of the track team.

An athlete must report their absence or tardiness prior to the start of a practice or track meet with a note or email from the parent/guardian to Coach Bliss, Coach Stahmer or Coach Shawgo.

Excused absences:

  • If an athlete stays home because they are ill, that is an excused absence. Medical appointments must be made in advance in order for excused absences to be allowed unless an emergency.
  • If an athlete becomes ill while they are in school, they need to make sure one of the coaches is notified before leaving school.
  • Athletes must attend school to practice or participate in a track meet.

Unexcused absences: An athlete's unexcused absence can result in being barred from participation in a track meet.

  • Detentions are not excused absences.
  • Personal reasons are not excused absences

Eligibility: A grade 1 in SBG in any class will cause an athlete to be ineligible to participate in practices and/or track meets. Grade reports are run on Fridays. Members that are recorded as failing one or more classes will be ineligible to participate in meets or practices for the following week, beginning Monday, until the next grade report is posted. Members must be passing all classes by this second week to remain on the team roster. Excessive ineligibility (second week) may result in dismissal from the team. Athletes must attend classes all day to be eligible for a practice or a track meet. As a student athlete, you are a student first and then an athlete. All athletes must keep the coaches informed of any trouble they may be having in a particular class. Students with missing work due to absences are expected to communicate with their teachers for extra time needed for makeup work. Failure to do so may lead to one week of probation if grade drops to not passing.

Conduct: Understand and accept that as part of the team, each athlete represents and serves as a reflection of the coaches, team, school, family, and community. Athlete's conduct must be responsible on and off the field. Athletes must show sportsmanship and concern for the rights, safety, and welfare of others on and off the field. Athletes must agree to treat their coaches, officials, teammates, fellow classmates and competitors with respect and courtesy. Any behavior that shows disrespect toward other athletes, coaches, and officials, or demonstrates a lack of self-control will be subject to discipline, including the loss of the privilege to be a part of the team. Examples of inappropriate behavior are not limited to the following: profanity, horseplay, pushing others, wrestling, carrying others, climbing on building or equipment as not intended, tripping, etc. Generally the failure to hands and feet to oneself.

Track Meets: Parents must stay out of the infield at all track meets, unless given approval by a coach or meet official. This could result in a protest and disqualification of an athlete. All track athletes are asked to support and cheer for their teammates when not competing.

Practices: Practices are a time for the athletes and coaches to work on the necessary skills in order for the team and the individuals to improve. We ask that parents stay away from the practice area and refrain from instructing or coaching during practices. If you are a parent with a track background and would like to volunteer coach please contact the head coach and we will direct you to becoming registered to do so.  Backpacks will not be kept in locker rooms due to frequent theft. Backpacks must be stored during practice along building/gym wall near bleachers/locker rooms in view of the security cameras for theft prevention. This has been 100% effective against theft to date. Do not move another students’ bag without approval from a coach or owner of the bag. Be careful when navigating through bags to reach your bag and not walking on other bags. This will likely damage fragile items stored in bags. Be careful moving backpacks to prevent damage to cell phones, glasses, computers, instruments etc.

Daily practice ends at 5:25 pm. Members are expected to be picked up no later than 5:30 pm. Parents must be on time to pick up their athlete after practice, meets and bus drop offs. Parents will receive one warning when more than 5 minutes late. Athletes who are picked up late will be barred from the next upcoming meet. Excessive tardiness may lead to dismissal.

Travel: Athletes are expected to ride the bus to away meets, but are not required to ride the bus home. If an athlete will not be riding the bus back to school, they must notify a coach that they are leaving with their parent and present a signed note, email preferred. Leaving a meet without signing out is considered unexcused missing and is treated as an emergency until the student is located. The athlete needs to bring all homework, etc. with them to practice and meets to avoid having to go back inside PJHS. Large musical instruments should not be brought to meets and are the exception. Large instruments should be left at school until the team returns from meet.

Cell phones: Cell phones should be left in backpacks during practice and at meets. Exception: Athletes will be able to call for a ride 20 minutes before arriving at the school from away meets. We highly recommend and prefer that students do not need to call to alert their rides in preference that all parents/guardians use the Remind App that coaches use to alert bus whereabouts at regular periodic intervals.

3 Strike Policy: In order to encourage communication between athletes and coaches, there is a three-strike policy which can potentially lead to the removal of an athlete from the track team or participation in a meet. If behavior is excessively unsafe/inappropriate, dismissal can be immediate at coaches' discretion.

  • Not contacting a coach prior to the start of a practice or track meet (see attendance policies)
  • Not being picked up on time after the completion of practice, track meets, or bus drop off.
  • Two consecutive weeks of ineligibility
  • Inappropriate athlete conduct/behavior on or off the field (this includes behavior at school) or low effort to improve skills and fitness.
  • Hiding in the locker room to avoid practicing.
  • Athlete Agreement: As an athlete for the Parkside Junior High Track team, I understand, agree, and will abide by the athlete contract as written above.

Parent Agreement: As a parent of the Parkside Junior High athlete, I understand and agree to review with my child the athlete contract as noted above and to encourage my child to abide by the contract. I, furthermore, will support my athlete, the team, and the coaches’ efforts at all times. I will avoid any confrontation with game officials, starters, coaches, teammates, and parents. I will refrain from any unsportsmanlike or poor parenting behavior which includes verbal or physical abuse of any player, coach, game official, and spectator before, during, and after practices and track meets. I understand that any grievances, problems, or questions that I may have will be discussed with the coaches outside the presence of any athlete. Please refer to the school handbook grievance procedures for reporting grievances. It is required that athletes make the initial grievance to the coach. There must be a 24 hour waiting and/or cooling off period before a coach may respond to the athlete. If the parent is unsatisfied with the coaches' response, they may refer to the head coach and, finally, the Assistant Principal. There is a mandatory 24 hour waiting period between each grievance and response.

The success of our Pythons track program depends upon parent volunteers and donations. We have made it "expected" for parents to:

  • Volunteer at least one time at either a home meet or at an invitational/away meet. Every attempt will be made to have volunteers not miss their child's event.
  • Donate $25 for equipment and uniform replacement. Donations are due before the first meet.

We ask for parent help so home meets can run smoothly and on time, ensure athletes are properly supervised, and money from concessions can be used for track equipment/items and new uniforms in the future.

Finally, I will remember that my child participates in track for his or her enjoyment, not for mine.

Go to: "Contract Signature" tab and Sign and Print Names then return to Coach Bliss